The Concordia Charter serves as a guiding framework for the Concordia Forum and its members, outlining our core values and principles. As a diverse community of Muslim leaders, we are united by our commitment to transformative intellectual exchange, creative problem-solving, collaboration, and living our shared values. The Charter ensures that we remain focused on our mission to foster trust, dialogue, and service while working towards shared global success.

The Concordia Charter

Individuals Connected Through Transformative Intellectual Exchange

Together we are a network of individuals from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines that harnesses the power of our many minds. We share a commitment to realising both our own untapped potential and that of others. We are confident of our ability to effect social change collectively; and are willing to lead by example in transforming wider society for the better.

Sophisticated and Creative Solutions with Wisdom

We seek to inspire innovative thinking by promoting new ideas, and by being open-minded and creative in our approach. We enable people to bring about change by encouraging and leading pioneering projects, and by being generous in sharing resources and skills. We support each other through collaboration and by creating an independent, enlightened and safe space in which to tackle the challenges of the 21st century.

Collaboration for Progress and Shared Global Success

The Concordia Forum is a unique combination of committed people and diverse ways of working. We seek to operate on a local, national and international scale to turn progressive thinking into positive action. We work to develop pluralistic, inclusive and capable societies, encourage empathetic and self-reliant behaviour, and enable people to lead fulfilled lives. We aim to reduce division and populism in favour of inclusion and cooperation.

Living our Shared Values

We aspire to the highest values of ethical conduct in our relationships with each other. We seek to actively build trust amongst each other, and to facilitate trust building within and between communities. We undertake to help each other particularly in times of distress, poverty and/or illness, and to support each other in the pursuit of excellence in the service of humanity. We agree not to instigate or facilitate personal attacks on each other in public or within the network. We subscribe to the aims and values outlined above and recognise the importance of our collective role in achieving them.